The eleventh installment of Bravo’s Real Housewives series is The Real Housewives of Dubai. The story centers on a group of wealthy ladies who navigate scandals, drama, and all other life’s issues while residing in the city of the same name. First broadcasted from June 1, 2022, until September 7, 2022, was Season 1. This is what we have found out if you’re wondering if the show will return for a second season.
Here are all the release date and release information data that we currently have for The Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2.
The Real Housewives Of Dubai Season 2 Release Date
The Real Housewives of Dubai Season 2 is set to premiere on June 2, 2024. Bravo announced in November 2023 that The Real Housewives of Dubai would return for a second season.
The Real Housewives of Dubai’s comeback has been much anticipated by fans, and the news of the launch date and a tantalizing sneak look has further built up the excitement. Dubai, a thriving metropolis, sets the stage for an exciting new season full of glamour, drama, and treasured memories.
The Real Housewives Of Dubai Season 2 Cast
Renowned characters Chanel Ayan, Caroline Brooks, Sara Al Madani, Lesa Milan, and Caroline Stanbury return for Season 2. The glitzy group now includes new housewife Taleen Marie. According to a Pinkvilla article, there is a sneak glimpse in which Al Madani says, “Follow me, or you’re against me,” and Brooks confronts someone by saying, “You disrespected my friend.”
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The Real Housewives Of Dubai Season 1 Recap
Viewers got a glimpse into the opulent lifestyles of these pals who live in Dubai with the first season, which debuted in June 2022. It came to an end with talks about starting a family and Caroline Stanbury’s marriage to Sergio Carrillo.
The housewives were tense, with rivalries arising between Milan and Stanbury as well as between Stanbury and Ayan. Relationships have changed since then, and a twist showed that Ayan and Stanbury had developed a newfound respect for one another. Whose odds were they once? At BravoCon 2023 in Las Vegas, the two were best friends, even sharing a stage for a special BravoCon Live with Andy Cohen “dynamic duos” episode.
Where To Wtch The Real Housewives Of Dubai Season 2
On Sunday, June 2 at 9/8c on Bravo, The Real Housewives of Dubai will make its television debut. The show will return to Tuesdays at 9/8c, its regular time slot, starting on Tuesday, June 11.
The next day, new episodes of the show will be accessible for streaming on Peacock,, and the Bravo app.
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The Real Housewives of Dubai returns for its second season on June 2, 2024, promising more glamour, drama, and intrigue in the opulent city. The beloved cast members like Chanel Ayan and Caroline Stanbury are back, joined by newcomer Taleen Marie.
Fans can expect tensions to rise, friendships to shift, and scandals to unfold as these wealthy ladies navigate their lavish lifestyles. Catch the premiere on Bravo, with episodes available for streaming on Peacock,, and the Bravo app the following day.