They should be kept in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place, out of direct sunlight. Whole fruit can be refrigerated and will keep as long as 2 months. Fresh seeds or juice will keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Pomegranate arils can be frozen for later use.Click to see full answer. Also asked, can you save half a pomegranate?Pomegranates can last a long time when stored properly. Place whole pomegranate in the refrigerator where it will remain fresh for up to two months. Refrigerate just the seeds by cutting the pomegranate in half and removing them over a bowl. Place the seeds in a plastic resealable bag and store in the refrigerator.Secondly, how long does a pomegranate last once cut? about two months Likewise, do pomegranates need to be stored in the refrigerator? The best way to store pomegranates is in the refrigerator. While whole pomegranates can be kept on the counter, they can be stored longer in the refrigerator. Once removed from their protective skin, pomegranate seeds should be refrigerated in an airtight container.How do you store pomegranates in the fridge?Whole pomegranates should be stored out of direct sunlight in a cool place; here they will last a few weeks. If placed in the refrigerator the fruit will last two months or more. The seeds will stay fresh a week or more if refrigerated and can be frozen in an airtight bag up to one year.