A fictitious character named Rickon Stark appears in the American author George R. R. Martin’s epic fantasy novel series A Song of Ice and Fire and its Game of Thrones televised adaptation. The faithful ruler of Winterfell, an ancient fortress in the North of the mythical continent of Westeros, Eddard Stark, who was originally mentioned in 1996’s A Game of Thrones, has the youngest kid named Rickon.
How did Rickon Stark die in ‘Game of Thrones’?
Rickon got shot by an arrow and passes away right away.Later, he appeared in Martin’s 1998 book A Clash of Kings. Irish actor Art Parkinson plays Rickon in the HBO television adaptation. In A Game of Thrones, Ned Stark departs Winterfell with his daughters to work for King Robert Baratheon in King’s Landing, while his wife Catelyn stays behind with their sons and is upset over their unconscious son Bran.
Rickon, a young boy, is so upset that all he does is cry and follow Robb, his elder brother, about. When Robb decides to go alone, Rickon becomes upset and hides in the Winterfell crypts. Soon after Ned passes away at King’s Landing, both Bran and Rickon encounter their father’s ghost in the crypts.
Rickon Stark is mostly a background character in the books and doesn’t have a viewpoint. Bran, his older brother, watches him and understands what he does.