Superstar Krishna was an actor who had acted in many films. Krishna was tagged as a hero and he has created a trend of new genres for many new genres to come. Krishna was first married to Indira Devi. Krishna and his first wife Indira Devi gave birth to three children.
The children are named Mahesh Babu, Ramesh babu and Manjula. Mahesh Babu who is the successor of superstar Krishna has now emerged as the number one hero in Tollywood. Mahesh has been with his father Krishna since he was a small boy.
Mahesh who started acting in his father’s films is now a great actor in Tollywood who is well known.
As a matter of fact superstar Krishna is known to have divorced his first wife Indira Devi and later got married to actress-director Vijayanirmala. However, after the divorce, Krishna remained friends with his first wife’s children and his first wife. Krishna was recently ordained by his second wife the popular actress Vijayanirmala.
Super star Krishna first wife: Who is Indira Devi?
Little is known about Indira Devi at the time of this publication.