The BBC and World War Two

On 3 September 1939 Britain went to war with Hitlers Germany. In the fight against fascism, broadcasting played a starring role: as informant, morale-booster, propaganda weapon. This World War Two collection opens up unique oral history archives featuring men and women on location in the field as well as those on the Home Front

On 3 September 1939 Britain went to war with Hitler’s Germany. In the fight against fascism, broadcasting played a starring role: as informant, morale-booster, propaganda weapon.

This World War Two collection opens up unique oral history archives – featuring men and women on location in the field as well as those on the Home Front - to shed light on how the BBC shaped the experience of war and how war transformed the BBC in return.

Curated by Emeritus Professor David Hendy and Dr Alban Webb, University of Sussex.

  • "This country is at war"War was announced on 3 September 1939. But the BBC had been secretly preparing for years, so that broadcasting might carry-on whatever happened.
  • The 'Bore' WarNewly-released material from the BBC’s archive reveals some of the behind-the-scenes struggles to keep the British people entertained and informed in the early months of the War
  • The BBC in the BlitzBroadcasters, like their fellow citizens, were forced to work - and live - under extraordinary conditions.
  • The Bombing of Broadcasting HouseThe BBC’s iconic headquarters, Broadcasting House in London, suffered two direct hits in the Blitz – causing widespread damage, several deaths, and many injuries.
  • Morale and MusicA tone of upright formality – or of intimate warmth? Here, newly-released archives show how the BBC sought to measure – and influence – the public mood.
  • The Secret WarThe wartime BBC was involved in a range of top secret activities, working closely with the intelligence agencies and military.
  • AlliesHere, the BBC’s archives provide new insights on broadcasting’s wartime role in the arena of soft-power politics and cultural diplomacy.
  • IconsThe BBC’s wartime broadcasting accorded star-status to a small group of men and women who turned out to be exceptional performers before the microphone. But what were they like off-air?
  • For the ForcesThe Forces Programme is fondly remembered. But here the archives reveal the less well-known story of the BBC’s radio service for American, Canadian and British troops landing on D-Day, and the rows it provoked.
  • D-DayOn 6 June 1944, it was from the BBC that the world learned that D-Day was finally happening.
  • War ReportThe ‘night-by-night’ coverage of the war proved to be a huge critical and popular success. But, not everything ran smoothly behind-the-scenes.
  • VE DayA day of celebration to mark the Allied victory in Europe. It was also a day in which the BBC would try to capture the mood not just of Britain, but of the wider world.
  • 1943 Berlin Blitz in 360˚In 1943 BBC War Report correspondent Wynford Vaughan Thomas broadcast from a Lancaster bomber during a raid over Berlin. See and hear the historic broadcast in this 360˚ video.
  • Background to the projectLyse Doucet, Chief International Correspondent BBC World Service & BBC World News, explores some of the rich archive discovered in this latest release from the BBC Oral History Collection.
  • A Long War? The Road to 1989The end of hostilities in Europe in May 1945 signalled the end of the Second World War. Yet, the political, technological, and cultural revolutions that war had released would continue well beyond 1945.

Editorial Note

The BBC and World War Two contains excerpts and programmes from BBC services at specific moments in time. The material should be viewed in this context and with the understanding that it reflects the attitudes and standards of its time – not those of today.

