Dan Morse - The Washington Post

Reporter covering courts and crime in Montgomery County, Md. Education: Vanderbilt University, BE in environmental engineering Washington Post staff writer Dan Morse covers courts and crime in Montgomery County, Md. He arrived at the paper in 2005, after reporting stops at the Wall Street Journal, Baltimore Sun and Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, where he was a

Washington, D.C.

Reporter covering courts and crime in Montgomery County, Md.

Education: Vanderbilt University, BE in environmental engineering

Washington Post staff writer Dan Morse covers courts and crime in Montgomery County, Md. He arrived at the paper in 2005, after reporting stops at the Wall Street Journal, Baltimore Sun and Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, where he was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. He is the author of "The Yoga Store Murder," published by Penguin.

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