Are sorrel and hibiscus the same thing?

Sometimes referred to as Jamaican sorrel, or Caribbean sorrel, sorrel is the common name given to the sepals of a hibiscus plant called Roselle, (or Hibiscus sabdariffa if you want to get technical). Its important to note that there is a leafy green herb that is also called sorrel, but it is unrelated to this

Sometimes referred to as Jamaican sorrel, or Caribbean sorrel, sorrel is the common name given to the sepals of a hibiscus plant called Roselle, (or Hibiscus sabdariffa if you want to get technical). It’s important to note that there is a leafy green herb that is also called sorrel, but it is unrelated to this plant.Click to see full answer. Hereof, what is the difference between Jamaica and hibiscus?No it is not the same. The Jamaican (West Indian) drink is made from the calyx of hibiscus sabdariffa. This is sometimes confused with hibiscus rosa-sinensis as they belong to the same genus of plants. The Mexican Agua Fresca de Jamaica is made from the same product that Jamaican Sorrel is made from.Beside above, what is sorrel used for? Sorrel is used for reducing sudden and ongoing pain and swelling (inflammation) of the nasal passages and respiratory tract, for treating bacterial infections along with conventional medicines, and for increasing urine flow (as a diuretic). Sorrel is also an ingredient in the herbal cancer treatment Essiac. Consequently, what is another name for hibiscus? Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. Other names include hardy hibiscus, rose of sharon, and tropical hibiscus.What flower is sorrel made from?Sorrel Drink is dark red, a little sour, with a raspberry-like flavor; made from the petals of sorrel plant (flor de Jamaica)” or hibiscus plant flower as popularly known in West Africa. In Nigeria, it’s referred to as Zobo drink, in Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean Island it’s known as Sorrel Drink.

